INSTRUCTION ELEMENTARY, MIDDLE, AND SECONDARY Comprehensive Assessment Plan The St. Louis Public Schools shall provide a comprehensive system of student assessment consistent with state and federal guidelines. The assessments shall provide information of educational value for individual students and also provide group information relative to the success of instructional programs. The Board of Education shall approve a plan describing the scope, purpose, and nature of the district’s assessments. The superintendent shall submit any subsequent modifications in the plan to the board for approval. The board shall annually review the testing calendar for the upcoming school year. The board shall annually review results of group assessments as indicators of the strengths and weaknesses of educational programs. The Division of Research, Assessment, and Evaluation shall be responsible for coordinating the development and implementation of the assessment plan in cooperation with other units, especially Pupil Personnel, Teaching/Learning Support, Special Education, Early Childhood, and English as a Second Language. References Legal: MSIP Standard 7.2
Revised: December 07, 1999 Revised: July 24, 2001 |