Curriculum Extensions
Extended School Year – Students with Disabilities
It shall be the policy of the St. Louis Board of Education to assure that where appropriate students with disabilities in the St. Louis Public School District are afforded the opportunity to receive services during the summer break as part of an extended school year program, consistent with their Individual Education Program and as required by state and federal laws and regulations. Therefore the need for Extended School Year Services (ESY) for each student with a disability shall be considered by the IEP team, including the student’s parents or guardians whenever a student’s IEP is reviewed. ESY is not a supplemental or related service, but an integral part of the student’s IEP. Where appropriate, documentation of the goals and objectives to be addressed during the extended school year session should be reflected in the student’s annual IEP. If sufficient data is not available at the time of the initial IEP meeting to determine whether ESY is appropriate, the IEP team should specify a time frame and the methods that will be used to collect data to determine the appropriateness of ESY at a future IEP meeting.
Legal: P.L. 94-142
P.L. 105-17 and Regulations
State Plan for Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act as
Amended by Public law 94-142.
Annual Compliance Plan for Special Education
Policy adopted,: June 26, 1990
Revised: December 07, 1999
Curriculum Extensions
Extended School Year -- Students with Disabilities
According to Board of Education Policy P5119, the St. Louis Public School District shall adhere to the following procedures with respect to providing extended school year services to a student with a disability:
Each student with a disability shall be afforded the opportunity to receive services during the summer break as part of an extended school year program, consistent with their Individual Education Program and as required by state and federal laws and regulations. The need for Extended School Year Services (ESY) for each student with a disability shall be considered by the IEP team, including the student’s parents or guardians whenever a student’s IEP is reviewed. ESY is not a supplemental or related service, but an integral part of the student's IEP. Where appropriate documentation of the goals and objectives to be addressed during the extended school year session should be reflected in the student's annual IEP. If sufficient data is not available at the time of the initial IEP meeting to determine whether ESY is appropriate, the IEP team should specify a time frame and the methods that will be used to collect data to determine the appropriateness of ESY at a future IEP meeting.
Among the factors to be considered by the IEP team are: Nature and severity of the student's disability; the areas of learning crucial to the student's attainment of self- sufficiency and independence; the student's progress, behavioral and physical needs; opportunities to practice skills outside the formal classroom setting (the more functional the skill, the more opportunities the student has to practice it); availability of alternative resources; areas of student's curriculum which need continuous attention; the student's vocational needs; ability of the student's parents to provide educational structure at home; and opportunity for the student to interact with non-disabled students. In addition regression/ recoupment rate should be considered when determining whether or not to provide ESY.
The decision whether to provide ESY for each student eligible for special education is a decision which should be made based on the unique characteristics of the individual student. The IEP team should consider evaluation information, evaluator opinion, and/or looking to the numerous factors referenced above in predicting regression/recoupment problems.
All of the legal requirements that apply to educational programs during the regular school year apply equally to ESY programs, including the least restrictive environment (LRE) requirement that students with disabilities be educated to the maximum extent appropriate with students who do not have disabilities. While, it is recognized that the full continuum of placement options maintained for the regular school year may not be available, those placement options, which are necessary to implement a student's IEP will be made available.
Legal: P.L. 94-142
P.L. 105-17 and Regulations
State Plan for Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act as Amended by Public Law 94-142
St. Louis Public Schools Annual Compliance Plan for Special
Regulation approved: June 26, 1990
Revised: December 07, 1999