
Curriculum Extensions

Instruction of Atypical Students -- Gifted and Talented

In general, gifted and talented students are those students who have demonstrated superior intellectual and/or performance abilities.

A. Referral for Evaluation and Assessment

Within the overall policies of the Board of Education, the office of student support service shall have the responsibility for assessment and certification of student candidates for gifted and talented programs.

B. Identification Criteria

To qualify for a gifted and talented program a student's performance must be at an exceptional level in the areas of achievement, abilities, and individual intelligence as measured by standardized norm referenced tests. Additionally, anecdotal information (e.g. teacher/parent checklists, report cards, awards, honors, etc.) as related to student performance shall be reviewed by school personnel and judged as appropriate for a gifted and talented program.

Specific eligibility criteria, approved annually by the state-assisted gifted program, department of elementary and secondary education, will give guidance to the identification process. (See Section III, Student Selection Criteria of the district's annual state assisted proposal.)

Gifted and Talented (continued) R6171.1

C. Identification Procedure

1. Students who meet the achievement and abilities criteria will be identified by the offices of research, evaluation, and assessment and technology service. These data will be forwarded promptly to the office of student support services in a timely manner.

2. In addition to the above, school personnel are encouraged to identify students who demonstrate high level cognitive abilities, based upon indices other than test scores (e.g., curiosity, leadership, competence, creativity, etc.).

a. The teacher recommendation form will be completed by the classroom teacher to which the student is currently assigned. For specific subject pull-out components, the teacher for that subject area will complete the form, (e.g., art teacher, music teacher, science teacher, etc). These data will be reviewed by the principal.

b. A letter requesting permission for further screening will be sent to the parents or guardians of all students identified in steps 1 and 2.

c. All identification information/data on each student candidate will be reviewed by school personnel (e.g. teacher(s), counselor, principal, psychologist and/or other professionals who are specialists in the program area) with input from parents. A recommendation on whether to proceed with an individual intelligence or creativity evaluation will be made by school personnel.

Gifted and Talented (continued) R6171.1

D. Assignment of Students

The office of student support services certifies students who are eligible for gifted placement. Certified students who have applied and others who have been identified as being eligible for magnet programs are referred to the office of pupil accounting/recruitment and counseling which determines placement.

E. Instructional Programs

The division of curriculum and staff development shall collaborate with school sites in addressing the following:

· identify a variety of models by which gifted and talented students may be instructed;

· develop and monitor instructional programs for gifted and talented students at all levels in the district for both pull-out and self-contained classes; and

· develop and provide appropriate staff development in order that teachers will be able to effectively instruct students.


Legal: Section 162-720 RSMo.

Regulation approved: June 26, 1990

Revised: February 25, 1992

Revised: December 07, 1999

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