

Instructional Services
Individual and Remedial Services -- Health Services

Health services will aim to strengthen the educational process by assisting students in obtaining and maintaining an improved health status. The district shall develop a written program with goals and objectives for all areas of comprehensive health, which is evaluated annually and is continuously revised to meet the needs of staff and students. Professional health personnel will provide instructional support in the development and implementation of this curriculum.

Professionally trained nurses will function as members of the health team. In collaboration with teachers and educators, the nurses will use the school health program to ensure that no student is deprived of an effective education because of a physical condition.

Through services and counseling the health program strives to develop in students a sense of responsibility for their health, as well as the health of others, and an understanding of principles upon which good health is based.

Health education concepts will be used to stimulate the incorporation of health instruction in the school curriculum and classroom when appropriate. Health counseling is initiated to assist students, teachers, parents, and staff for the purpose of helping students obtain needed treatment. The health program will use appropriate referrals and comprehensive follow-ups for health problems that require remedial attention.

Legal: Missouri School Improvement Program Standard 15.1

Policy adopted: June 26, 1990
Revised: September 08, 1998
Revised: December 07, 1999


Instructional Services
Individual and Remedial Services -- Health Services


The health services unit of the division of pupil personnel services shall be responsible for evaluating and monitoring the health of each student. The primary focus of preventive care shall be coordinated by the school nurse and synthesized into an integral school health program. The school health services program includes a policy on administration of medication, as well as specific provisions for complying with all board policies, statutes, and regulations regarding contagious and infectious diseases and child abuse reporting.

The health services program shall include periodic examinations and immunizations as required by law. It should also establish procedures for first aid and emergency care and maintain records and reports of students served. A cumulative health record on every student shall be maintained by the school nurse. The students’ health records are protected by the district’s confidentiality policy. Additionally, appropriate care shall be provided for medical emergencies, and there shall be comprehensive health screenings to assess and evaluate the health and developmental status of students. Other services include providing a safe and healthy school environment and health counseling.

School nurses shall be directly accountable to the supervisor of health services, as part of the administrative structure of the division of pupil personnel services. School nurses are to be assigned to building units and will coordinate health services within their own units. They will be responsible to the principal for services designated to meet the needs of that building. The staffing pattern for school nurses shall be determined on the basis of student enrollment, student needs, specific programs, and health needs. The nurse/student ratio on the elementary level should be one full-time nurse for every 500 students. On the middle school level it should be one full-time nurse for every 400 students and on the high school level, one full-time nurse for every 1,000 students. One full-time nurse will be assigned to special education classes, handicapped students, and continuing education programs.

The school nurse is committed to the mission of the health services program which is to bring each student into the best possible condition. The program components include health counseling, formal and informal instruction, and providing experiences through which students acquire knowledge about health and build sound health practices and attitudes.

In cooperation with the City health department and the school, the school nurse will:

1. Assess the students’ physical health status.
2. Help administer care during medical emergencies.
3. Help control communicable and infectious diseases.
4. Provide health education and counseling.
5. Help maintain a healthful school environment.
6. Provide screening for those with visual and hearing impairments.
7. Help establish and comply with follow-up counseling and referral of students with identified health problems
8. Monitor students with chronic medical conditions.

Request For Services

Referrals for health services come from students, teachers, parents, administrators, school staff, community agencies, and other health care providers.

School nurses shall handle all requests for services in a professional and timely manner and provide appropriate feedback, referrals, and follow-ups as required. Nurses must maintain confidential records at each school level. Immunization data must be documented and status of compliance reported annually as required by state law. Emergency medical information for all personnel and students is maintained and readily available.

Screening results for vision, hearing, scoliosis, physical examinations, and other pertinent health data shall be recorded as part of the students’ cumulative health record. This information may be shared with appropriate personnel, schools, or agencies upon parental request.

Invasive Physical Examinations or Screenings

Parents will be notified in advance of the specific or approximate dates during the school year when any nonemergency, invasive physical examination or screening administered by the district will be conducted that is:

1. Required as a condition of attendance, or
2. Administered by the school and scheduled by the school in advance, or
3. Not necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of the student or other students.

Parents or eligible students will be given the opportunity to opt out of any nonemergency, invasive physical examination or screening. Exercising the right to opt out, however, does not relieve the parents or eligible children from the obligation to meet health-related preconditions to enrollment or continuing enrollment as required by law or otherwise, such as the obligation to obtain immunizations.

As used in this Regulation, the term “invasive physical examination” means any medical examination that involves the exposure of private body parts or any act during such examination that includes incision, insertion or injection into the body, but does not include a hearing, vision or scoliosis screening.


Legal: Missouri School Improvement Program Standard 15.1
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, 20 U.S.C. §1232h

Regulation approved: June 26, 1990

Revised: September 8, 1998

Revised: December 07, 1999

Revised: September 10, 2002

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