Instructional Services – Library Media Centers
The Board of Education recognizes that the school library media program
serves as a point of access to information and ideas and as a learning
laboratory for students as they acquire critical thinking and problem-solving
skills needed in a pluralistic and information-dependent society. Educational
levels and programs of the school indicate appropriate resources and services
of a school library media program. The board supports the principles of
the Library Bill of Rights (ALA) and The Students’ Right to Read
(Note, 1982) and recognizes that they apply equally to all Iibraries,
including school library media centers.
Students and educators served by the school library media program shall
have access to resources and services free of constraints resulting from
personal, partisan, or doctrinal ideologies. School library media professionals
shall resist efforts by individuals or groups to define what is appropriate
for all students or teachers to read, view, or hear.
The library media center is open and staffed for student and faculty use
during regular school hours and before and after school. Furthermore,
no barriers exist between students and access to and use of resources
including: imposition of age or grade-level restrictions; limitations
on the use of interlibrary loan or access to electronic information; permission
from parents; guardians or teachers; restricted shelves or closed collections
and/or labeling. Policies, procedures, and rules related to the use of
resources and services support open access to information.
The board shall adopt policies and/or regulations that will allow student
access to a broad range of ideas. The board will endeavor to accommodate
learning, teaching styles, and interests of all students.
The board recognizes that systems for circulating materials will provide
for the optimal use and will encourage students to borrow materials for
use throughout the school, at home, and in the library media center. The
circulation systems and reporting mechanisms shall protect the privacy
of users.
Library Media Centers – Circulation/Access (continued) P6163.1.2
It shall be a goal of the board to supply the library media centers with
equipment for student and teacher use and to support all the formats of
media that the school has acquired. This equipment shall be available
for school personnel to checkout to classrooms and for overnight use.
It is a goal of the board that all equipment shall be in good working
condition and will be checked on a regular basis through ongoing maintenance
and repair services. Finally, efforts shall be made to represent recent
advances in media equipment technology.
Legal: MSIP Standard 10.1
Policy adopted: December 8, 1998