
Instructional Arrangements


In order to best achieve individualized programming and learning, it is anticipated that grouping arrangements must be kept flexible. The basic criteria for grouping should be the learning goals and objectives and the student's ability to achieve those purposes. Students should be grouped so that each one benefits to a greater extent than would otherwise be possible. Provisions shall be made for altering the grouping as often as necessary to fit the specific purpose involved.

The board establishes the following major purposes of grouping for the St. Louis Public Schools:

To place each student in the best learning situation.

To provide challenge for each student.

To increase the effectiveness of each teacher by helping teachers individualize instruction, narrowing the range of student needs and abilities per class.

To enable teachers to do remedial work more effectively.

To provide a long-term relationship between the student and a particular teacher.

The board policy for selecting students for grouping shall be based on a staff decision that includes consideration of recorded student data and group staff judgment.

Flexibility shall be maintained so that a student may be transferred from group to group as his need requires.

Grouping (continued) P6152

Accordingly, the board shall authorize the following:

Curriculum adjustments to challenge each of the groups in accordance with their ability levels.

Teacher selection, assignment, and in-service growth provisions to maximize the potential of planned grouping.

Provision for needed materials of instruction according to the number of different groups.

In addition, the board hereby authorizes, as required by state statute, arrangements whereby the same group of students shall remain with the same teacher or teachers for not less than two years but no more than four. Such an arrangement shall be called "looping." Student participation in such arrangements shall be voluntary. Students who do not wish to participate in such arrangements may request transfer to a different class and/or teacher, subject to the availability of space and classes within the school to which the student has been assigned by the district. All such groupings shall be consistent with any plan approved by the board and/or the superintendent.


Legal: Section 162.626 RSMo.

Policy adopted: June 26, 1990

Revised: December 07, 1999

Revised: January 9, 2001


Instructional Arrangements

Instructional grouping is arranged to individualize programming and learning. Grouping arrangements will be kept flexible in order to address students' needs and learning abilities. There are many different patterns of grouping that schools can use:

Grouping within each classroom;

Grouping by classroom, if number of students per grade level or subject matter permits;

Grouping for part of the day according to certain skills, abilities, and interests;

Grouping the same group of students with the same teacher for more than one school year.

Accordingly, the principal and teacher for the school will:

Define the requirements per group;

Emphasize that grouping is an instructional aid;

Collect recorded student data;

Set forth plans for meetings to review persons involved, set up groups and modify them as needed.

In the effort to get the most out of instructional grouping, the teacher will:

Explain the program in each subject area;

Keep records of student data;

Grouping (continued) R6152

Set up instructional groups and modify grouping arrangements as needed;

Select instructional materials that challenge each of the groups according to abilities.

All patterns of groupings qualifying as "loopings" shall be consistent with plans and/or policies of the board governing such looping.


Legal: Section 162.626 RSMo.

Regulation approved: June 26, 1990

Revised: December 07, 1999

Revised: January 9, 2001


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