ST. LOUIS BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY Instructional Arrangements The St. Louis Public School District is committed to an instructional program that recognizes individual differences among students. The instructional program includes subject and/or course objectives, assessment methods, and performance expectations which are shared with students and parents or guardians prior to instruction. The students' progress is continuously monitored to determine if they are meeting the course objectives. Students and their parents are frequently provided with information regarding students' progress in meeting the identified objectives. The staff is encouraged to seek organizational patterns and instructional techniques that improve learning. These instructional techniques are relevant to the curricular objectives and are based on current research regarding student learning. An emphasis should also be placed on a warm and positive teacher/student relationship and wholesome relationships among students. Individual school organizational patterns shall encourage the highest level of professional performance on the part of the staff. Special teacher competencies should be fully utilized. Effective use of the professional staff to meet the special needs of individual students is imperative. A continuing search for better ways to increase student achievement is
recognized as essential in a modern school system. However, board approval
of new and innovative programs carries with it an expectation that promising
new approaches will be carefully reviewed and evaluated, and information
about them disseminated throughout the district. Reference Legal: Missouri School Improvement Program Standards 7.1
Revised: September 8, 1998 Revised: December 07, 1999 R6150 ST. LOUIS BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULATION The principal of each school shall direct his/her staff in the use of organizational patterns and instructional techniques that improve learning and encourage the highest level of professional performance by staff. All teachers shall strive to improve student achievement while maintaining positive teacher-student relationships.
Revised: December 07, 1999 |