

Controversial Issues -- Student Freedom of Expression

The board recognizes the students constitutionally protected right to freedom of expression. There should be no interference in the school with this right or with the student's access to or expression of controversial points of view.

In general, speech activities of students shall not disrupt the regular and essential operation of the school, interrupt classes or substantially interfere with the opportunity of students to obtain an education, nor infringe upon other reasonable school rules.

1. Bulletin Boards - School authorities may restrict the use of certain bulletin boards to school announcements. Ample bulletin board space shall be provided for the use of students and student organizations, including a reasonable area for notices relating to out-of-school activities or matters of general interest. There shall be no prior censorship or requirement of approval of the contents or wording or notices or other communications, except the general limitations on posting as governed by board regulation.

2. Distribution of Printed Material and Circulation of Petitions - Students shall be free to distribute handbills, leaflets, and other printed material and to collect signatures on petitions concerning either school or out-of-school issues, whether such materials are produced within or outside the school. This Policy shall also apply to written or pictorial material which is distributed or accessed using district computers or district computer system.

There shall be no prior censorship or requirement of approval of the contents or wording of such material, except the general limitations as governed by board regulations.

Student Freedom of Expression (continued) P6144.1

3. Buttons and Badges - The wearing of buttons, badges, or armbands bearing slogans or sayings shall be permitted as another form of expression unless the message falls within the restricted categories of Regulation R6144.1, Section 1, Paragraph a. No teacher or administrator shall attempt to interfere with this practice on the ground that the message may be unpopular with students or faculty.

In imposing limitations on student expression for any reason under any of the foregoing provisions, the school must ensure that its rules are applied on a nondiscriminatory basis and in a manner designed to assure maximum freedom of expression.

The school shall particularly avoid any action placing restraints on ideas prior to their expression.

Policy adopted: June 26, 1990

Revised: December 07, 1999

Revised: July 24, 2001




Controversial Issues -- Student Freedom of Expression

Students may exercise their constitutionally-protected right to freedom of expression within the following guidelines.

The principal or designee shall approve or prohibit distribution or posting of materials within five (5) school days of receipt of the request. In the event the principal fails to act within the period, the material shall be considered approved for distribution and/or posting.

1. Bulletin Boards

a. School authorities shall prohibit material that is obscene according to current legal definitions, that is libelous, or that inflames or incites students in such a way as to create a clear and present danger, through unlawful acts or physical disruption, to the orderly operation of the school.

b. The identification of the student or group shall be required on any posted notice.

c. The school shall require that notices or other communications be officially dated before posting and that such material be removed after a prescribed reasonable time to assure full access to the bulletin boards.

Student Freedom of Expression (continued) R6144.1

2. Distribution of Printed Material and Circulation of Petitions

The student or organization seeking permission to distribute material shall submit a request and a copy of the printed matter proposed for distribution to the principal for review.

Material that is obscene, libelous, sectarian, insulting, or directed toward inciting or producing imminent lawless action or disobedience to published rules on student conduct shall be barred.

a. The time of such activity shall be limited to periods before school begins, after dismissal and during lunch time if such limitation is necessary to prevent interference with the school program.

b. The place of such activity shall be reasonably restricted in order to avoid interrupting the normal flow of traffic within the school and at exits.

c. The manner of conducting such activity shall be restricted to prevent too much noise, or to prevent the use of coercion in obtaining signatures on petitions. The danger of littering is not a sufficient ground for limiting the right of students to distribute printed material.

d. The school shall require that all printed matter and petitions distributed or circulated on school property bear the name of the sponsoring organization or individual.

e. All printed matter must contain a plainly visible disclaimer clause stating: "This material does not necessarily reflect the view of the Board of Education of the City of St. Louis, Missouri or any of its schools."

This regulation shall also apply to written or pictorial material which is distributed or accessed using district computers or district computer systems.

Student Freedom of Expression (continued) R6144.1

3. Buttons and Badges

a. The wearing of buttons, badges, or arm-bands bearing slogans or sayings shall be permitted as another form of expression unless the message falls within the restricted categories of Section 1, paragraph a, set out above. No teacher or administrator shall attempt to interfere with this practice on the ground that the message may be unpopular with students or faculty.

4. Student or Student Group Appeal

a. Any appeal by a student or student group of an adverse ruling by the principal shall be heard and decided by the appropriate associate superintendent or designee within five (5) school days of receipt of a written notification of appeal. The representative cannot be the person who made the original decision nor any of his/her subordinates. The student and principal shall have an opportunity to present their reasons why the printed matter should or should not be distributed. In the event that the associate superintendent fails to act within the five (5) day period, the material shall be considered approved.

b. The student or student group may appeal a ruling by the associate superintendent to the superintendent or designee. The superintendent or designee shall review the matter and render a decision within six (6) school days of receipt of a written notification of appeal. In the event that the superintendent fails to act within the six (6) day period, the material shall be considered approved.

Regulation approved: June 26, 1990

Revised: December 07, 1999

Revised: July 24, 2001


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