




Curriculum Design

The curriculum design will provide for instructional consistency by specifying clearly defined goals and objectives, skills, and standards of evaluation.

The goals of the St. Louis Public Schools define objectives for students, guide the professional staff, and help determine means for evaluating student progress.

Curriculum Goals for the St. Louis Public Schools

The educational program of the St. Louis Public Schools is designed to accomplish the following goals:

1. Intellectual Development. Provide experiences for students that will allow them to accumulate a personal fund of knowledge; to think rationally; to use, evaluate, and interpret knowledge; to develop positive attitudes toward intellectual activity; and to understand and appreciate change in society.

2. Personal Deve!opment. Provide experiences that will enhance emotional and physical well-being, effective use of leisure time, the setting of goals and career planning, creativity and aesthetic expression, and citizenship.

3. Social Systems. Provide experiences to promote understanding of and appreciation for family and community relationships; economic, political, legal, and value systems; historical influences; and geographic environments.

Curriculum Design (continued) P6141

4. Information Skills. Provide experiences that will develop the student's ability to give, receive, understand, and use all types of information; to use words and numbers in English and other languages; to engage critically and constructively in the exchange of ideas; and to access, retrieve, and store information.

5. Resource Management. Provide experiences that will help students to understand, appreciate, value, and use the resources of the individual, the family, the community, and society at large. The use of these resources, including money, time, and natural and human resources will help promote the economic independence of the individual and the economic growth of society.

6. Technology. Provide experiences on the application of scientific and mathematical concepts to satisfy human needs, to develop an understanding of and commitment to the concepts of change, and to create an awareness of the importance of life-long learning in a technological society.

7. Cultural Heritage. Provide experiences that will develop an understanding and appreciation of our cultural heritage, various forms of aesthetic expression, moral and ethical values, and one's own artistic, vocational, and a vocational interests.

Policy adopted: June 26, 1990

Revised: December 07, 1999


Curriculum Design

The division of teaching and learning support shall be in charge of developing and revising instructional programs which reflect the curriculum goals adopted by the Board of Education. Student/teacher textbooks, instructional strategies and materials will be selected to support the curriculum design.

1. Subject Matter Specialists

To ensure that the curriculum design is articulated in grades K-12 and across all subjects, the units of the divisions of teaching and learning support, special education, and career education will include curriculum facilitators for the following areas:

Art Mathematics
Business and Marketing Music
Career Education Physical Education/Dance/Health
Computer/Technology Education Science
World Language/ESL & Bilingual Social Studies
Family & Consumer Science Special Education
Industrial Technology Vocational Education
Communication Arts (English)

In addition, a supervisor for textbooks and instructional materials will be responsible for the allocation, distribution, and budget preparation for all elementary, middle, and secondary textbooks and teaching aids.

Curriculum Design (continued) R6141

2. Media Services

Curriculum design and media utilization are inextricably interwoven. The media units of the division of teaching and learning support, under the supervision of their unit directors, will be actively involved in the development of curriculum by serving as specialists in media effectiveness and instructional technology.

Audiovisual services will provide instructional materials to individual classrooms. AV staff will serve as consultants to school faculties on improvement through media. By keeping abreast of the latest developments in instructional technology, appropriate media will be infused into the curriculum.

Library services will coordinate the establishment, expansion, or reactivation of centralized library media centers. Leadership will be provided in the selection and purchase of materials for a planned library program which supports the curriculum.

Regulation approved: June 26, 1990

Revised: December 07, 1999


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