ST. LOUIS BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY The Board of Education shall provide a sequential learning program for all students in kindergarten through grade twelve (12). There are times, however, when it is appropriate that seminars or courses of short duration be developed to address the needs of a particular group of students. Such a seminar or course cannot replace a core-course requirement but would supplement or augment the required program. Specialized courses will be offered when they relate to an identified focus of instruction for a particular magnet, alternative, or vocational school program. The additional course offerings would extend the core curriculum so that the students achieve the overall goals and objectives of the core curriculum courses as well as acquire information and concepts related to the particular and special focus.
Revised: December 07, 1999 R6141.1.2 ST. LOUIS BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULATION The procedure for requesting the addition of a course or seminar to the approved curriculum is as follows. 1. The school will consult with the curriculum facilitators to determine the feasibility of developing an additional course or seminar. A curriculum guide must be developed that reflects the philosophy of the St. Louis Public Schools and the philosophy of the subject area. The curriculum guide must also include a statement of purpose, the course goal, a description of the course of study, concepts/objectives, skills, evaluation standards, and a list of the books and materials to be used. References, activities, and appendices may be attached as needed. The curriculum guide must be approved by the principal and associate superintendent for site support/instructional and leadership and forwarded to the division of teaching and learning support no later than November 1 of the year preceding the offering. 2. The curriculum guide will be reviewed by the division of teaching and learning support and forwarded to the associate superintendent for site support/instructional and leadership for approval and submission to the Board of Education, if needed, by the end of January. The requesting school and the associate superintendent for site support/instructional and leadership will be notified of approval or disapproval by the end of February of the year preceding the offering. Regulation approved: June 26, 1990 Revised: December 07, 1999 |