P6141. 1
ST. LOUIS BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY INSTRUCTION Curriculum Design Pilot, Experimental and Innovative Programs The Board of Education recognizes its responsibility to provide programs which represent the best of current educational research as it applies to the specific needs of the students of the St. Louis Public School System. When one or more of these needs is determined to be locally important, because it would enhance or provide greater student success in one or more of the seven (7) major curricular goals (see P6141), then a program will be constructed to address that need. References cf: Policy P6141 Curriculum Design Policy adopted: June 26, 1990 Revised: December 07, 1999 R6141.1 ST. LOUIS BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULATION INSTRUCTION Curriculum Design - Pilot, Experimental and Innovative Programs The division of teaching and learning support will formulate curriculum programs for the St. Louis Public Schools (See R6140). The form (Request for Approval of Pilot and Experimental Programs) is available from the division of teaching and learning support upon request. The associate superintendent for site support/instructional and leadership, in collaboration with the division of teaching and learning support will recommend the inauguration of pilot and experimental programs. The associate superintendent for site support/instructional and leadership will review the program. Recommendations for authorization are subject to the final approval of the superintendent. An impartial evaluation will be conducted by the division of evaluation, research, and assessment to determine the value of the program in terms of its relationship to the approved school program. The form is appropriate for new programs, new texts, new instructional materials, publisher requests, outside-the-system requests, and internally or externally developed materials, among others. References cf: Regulation R6140 Curriculum Regulation approved: June 26, 1990 Revised: December 07, 1999 |