INSTRUCTION The curriculum of the St. Louis Public Schools shall provide formal study in the core academic areas. They are as follows: communication arts (English), mathematics, social studies, and science. It also shall present opportunities for students to develop specific talents and interests in the performing arts, practical arts, vocational or technical education, and other fields. While there will be considerable opportunity for inventiveness and creativity in the teaching and learning process, the overall curriculum will be common throughout the school system to ensure continuity of learning. The curriculum is the sum total of the students' sequential educational experiences, guided by goals and standards of evaluation. The curriculum recognizes a child's differences in ability, rates of development and learning, and background. The written curriculum for each subject area and/or individual course shall be approved by the Board of Education and reflect the board's major priority of improving academic achievement. The curriculum shall reflect the recommendations contained within the board approved strategic plan. The district will assess, monitor, and revise the curriculum based upon the educational needs of the students.
R6140 ST. LOUIS BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULATION The Board of Education recognizes that curriculum development, implementation, and supervision provide the most effective means of improving the quality of instructional programs. Systematic procedures will be established to evaluate and revise each curricular area regularly based on actual student needs and trends in education and research. The basic responsibility for this review process will rest with the division of teaching and learning support, with advice and assistance from staff, students, parents or guardians, and members of the community. The division of teaching and learning support will be responsible for coordinating with the planning division to assure that curriculum recommendations as reflected in the board approved strategic plan are implemented. 1. Curriculum Development The division of teaching and learning support will study, revise, and/or develop curriculum and appropriate guides for each subject area and/or individual course. Curriculum will include the following components: a. Curriculum content will be articulated through all grade levels and subject areas to ensure continuity of learning. b. A general description of the content of each subject area and course will be designed. c. The content will be guided by a rationale which relates the general goals of each subject area and course to the district's mission and philosophy. d. General goals for graduates will be designed in each subject area. e. Cross references will be made to the knowledge (content), skills, and competencies (process) students need to meet the goals established by the district and the Show-Me Standards. f. Specific, measurable learner objectives will be developed for each course at each grade level. g. Materials will be developed that are written in specific terms and can be used by the instructional staff. h. Effective methods will be used for presenting the materials to the students. i. Textbooks will be used that are effectively coordinated with the curriculum guides and programs. j. Current supplementary and enrichment materials will be used.
The responsibility for curriculum implementation rests with the teachers and principals of the individual schools. In order to provide teachers and administrators with a new or revised curriculum, an ongoing, systematic plan of training will be established. All teachers will be trained uniformly on the new curriculum and materials before they are put into effect. Supervisors of the division of teaching and learning support will provide training district-wide. Additional opportunities to assist teachers in implementing the curriculum will be provided as needed.
2. Curriculum Supervision Once the curriculum has been implemented, the division of teaching and learning support shall carry on a continuing program of assistance to teachers and administrators. All schools will be regularly visited by curriculum supervisors to ensure that curriculum guides, textbooks, and instructional materials are understood and properly used. Curriculum supervision will help teaching and learning activities by providing an organized system of assistance to the professional staff.
Legal: Missouri School Improvement Program Standards 6.1
Revised: September 8, 1998 Revised: December 07, 1999 |