ST. LOUIS BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY INSTRUCTION ELEMENTARY, MIDDLE AND SECONDARY Schedules School Day The duration of the school day shall fulfill state requirements and normally consist of six (6) hours in which pupils are under the guidance and direction of teachers. Starting times may vary at different schools as specified by the superintendent. When school is dismissed early for inclement weather, state requirements will determine the number of makeup hours to be scheduled.
cf: Policy and Regulation 6111 - School Calendar Legal: Sections 160.041, 171.031, 171.033 RSMo.
Revised: December 07, 1999 R6112 ST. LOUIS BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULATION ELEMENTARY, MIDDLE AND SECONDARY Schedules School Day A. Elementary/Middle The school day for elementary and middle schools shall consist of six (6) hours of instruction not counting recess periods. The time for supervised recess may be scheduled at the discretion of the principal. The principal and teachers, following duty schedules approved by the principal, shall share responsibility for the adequate supervision of all students, not only during the entire time they are on the premises, but also when they are participating in authorized activities away from school. B. Secondary The school day for high schools shall consist of six (6) hours of instruction unless otherwise specified by the superintendent. Starting times may vary at different schools as specified by the superintendent. The principal, with the approval of the associate superintendent for site support/instructional and leadership, may schedule classes earlier than the regular starting time or after the regular closing time to accommodate the academic needs of students. The number and length of the periods of instruction shall be determined
by the principal in accordance with state requirements and board policies
and regulations. The principal and total staff have responsibility for the adequate supervision of the students, not only for the entire time they are at school but also when they are participating in authorized activities away from school. References Legal:
Revised: December 07, 1999