

Contagious, Infectious Disease -- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Aids-Related Complex (ARC)

All children residing in the City of St. Louis have a constitutional right to a free suitable program of educational experiences provided by the St. Louis Public Schools. Consequently, as a general rule, a child or adolescent infected with Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Type III (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes AIDS) and Aids-Related Complex (ARC) shall be allowed to attend school in a regular classroom setting contingent upon appropriate medical and administrative reviews. The child or adolescent shall be considered eligible for all rights, privileges and services provided by law and policies of the St. Louis Board of Education.

Whenever school personnel obtain information that a child or adolescent, either currently enrolled in the St. Louis Public Schools or seeking enrollment, may be infected with the AIDS virus, the child or adolescent must be promptly referred to the supervisor of health services. The superintendent or designee shall investigate each case individually and, where appropriate, shall convene an evaluation committee whose purpose shall be solely to determine the risk of transmission of the disease in the school setting. The committee shall consist of at least the following representatives:

The superintendent or designee ;
The City of St. Louis health commissioner or designee ;
The child's or adolescent's physician;
A parent or guardian of the child;
The chief of school health medical services;

Other such representatives as determined by the superintendent and the City of St. Louis health commissioner.

As specified by law, the individuals right to privacy shall be respected and strict confidentiality shall be maintained. Therefore, knowledge that a child or adolescent has AIDS/ARC shall be confined to the persons with a direct need to know (e.g., principal, school nurse, child's teacher). They shall be provided appropriate information concerning necessary precautions and shall follow strict confidentiality requirements.

Policy adopted: October 28, 1986

Revised: December 07, 1999



Contagious, Infectious Disease -- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Aids Related Complex (ARC)

Whenever school personnel obtain information that a child or adolescent, either currently enrolled in the St. Louis Public Schools or seeking enrollment, may be infected with the AIDS virus, the supervisor of health services shall initiate the following procedures:

A. Initial Procedures

1. Notify the superintendent , the director of student support services immediately, and only such other personnel (e.g., principal, school nurse, child's teacher) having a direct need to know.

2. Arrange a conference with the parent/guardian to discuss information received, procedures, and the reasons therefor obtain release of medical information and advise parent/guardian that the child or adolescent must receive a medical examination by a physician licensed to practice medicine in the State of Missouri. The medical report must include current health status, any limitations of activity and a recommendation regarding school placement.

3. Should the parent/legal guardian fail to obtain a medical examination (within five days) for the student, the supervisor of health services shall take immediate action to obtain same.

4. Forward a written follow-up report to the superintendent of schools detailing actions taken in A.2 and 3 above.

B. Procedures Subsequent to Receipt of Medical Report

1. Conduct an initial review of medical report. In an appropriate case, the assistance and consultation of the chief of school health. medical services should be obtained.

2. Prepare a written report of findings and forward to the superintendent . Where the medical report contains a diagnosis of AIDS or ARC, provide an oral report to the superintendent immediately. The superintendent shall determine whether the child or adolescent shall be removed from the school setting pending further review.

3. Where a diagnosis of AIDS/ARC has been confirmed, the superintendent shall cause a meeting of the evaluating committee to be convened within 24 hours. The purpose of the evaluating committee shall be solely to determine the risk of transmission in the school setting and shall be comprised of:

Superintendent or designee ;

Health commissioner of the City of St. Louis or designee ;

Child's or adolescent's examining physician;

Parent or guardian of the child;

Chief of school health medical services

Other such representatives as determined by the superintendent and the health commissioner for the City of St. Louis.

4. In determining whether a risk of transmission in the school setting exists, the evaluating committee shall consider the following factors and prepare a written report accordingly:

Student's behavior (e.g., biting, scratching and mouthing objects);
Toilet training;
Open lesions that cannot be covered;

Physical condition, with special attention to blood or body fluids (urine, stool, vomitus);
Other known relevant factors.

C. Procedures Subsequent to Findings of Evaluating Committee

1. Upon review of the evaluating committee's written report and recommendations, the superintendent shall make a final determination as to educational placement, whether or not the student shall be temporarily removed or removed indefinitely from the school setting.

2. Where a child or adolescent has been diagnosed as having AIDS or ARC and the evaluating committee determines that no risk of transmission exists, the child or adolescent may not be removed from the regular classroom setting.

3. Where the evaluating committee determines that a risk of transmission exists, the child or adolescent shall be removed from the school setting until such time as it is determined that the risk has been abated. A program of educational services shall be provided during the student's exclusion from school.

4. The superintendent or designee shall arrange a conference with the student's parents, explain the educational placement or services for the student, and otherwise comply with applicable state and federal laws governing the education of handicapped students.


Legal: Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Regulation approved: October 28, 1986

Revised: December 07, 1999


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