



            Conduct – Bullying Prevention

The St. Louis Public School District is committed to a safe and civil educational environment, conducive to teaching and learning in an environment free from threat, harassment and any type of bullying behavior. 

Bullying is defined as “intimidation or harassment that causes a reasonable student to fear for his or her physical safety or property. Bullying may consist of physical actions, including gestures, or oral or written communication and any threat of retaliation for reporting of such acts.”

This policy is not intended to prohibit expression of religious, philosophical, or political views, provided that the expression does not substantially disrupt the education environment. Many behaviors that do not rise to the level of harassment, intimidation, or bullying may still be prohibited by other district policies. 

Students and Board employees are encouraged to report behavior they consider to be bullying, including a single action which if allowed to continue would constitute bullying, to their teacher or the building principal. The report may be made anonymously.  Teachers and other Board employees who have witnessed, or are reliably informed that, a student has been a victim of behavior they consider to be bullying, including a single action which if allowed to continue would constitute bullying, shall report the incident(s) to the principal.

Parents or legal guardians may submit to the principal written reports of incidents they feel constitute bullying, or if allowed to continue would constitute bullying.  The principal shall be responsible for investigating the incident(s) to determine if disciplinary action is warranted.

Students who engage in any act of bullying are subject to appropriate disciplinary action in accordance with Board Policies, Regulations and the Student’s Rights and Responsibilities Handbook pertaining to discipline procedures and may include suspension, expulsion and/or referral to law enforcement authorities.  The severity and pattern, if any, of the bullying shall be taken into consideration when disciplinary decisions are made. 
The superintendent is directed to develop administrative regulations to implement this policy. Regulations shall include descriptions of prohibited conduct, reporting and investigative procedures, as needed, and provisions to ensure notice of this policy is provided to students, employees and third parties. All employees of the District shall receive instruction related to the specific contents of the District’s policy and any interpretations necessary to implement the provisions of the policy in the course of their duties.


Legal:             Section 160.775 RSMo.

Policy approved: September 19, 2006

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