
Transfers and Withdrawals -- Withdrawals and Re-enrollments of Students with Disabilities

It shall be the policy of the St. Louis Board of Education to assure that the withdrawal or re-enrollment of students with disabilities in the St. Louis Public School District is consistent with mandated procedural safeguards as specified in state and federal laws as they pertain to a change in educational placement of students with disabilities.


Legal: P.L. 94-142
P.L. 105-17 and Regulations
State Plan for Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, As Amended by Public Law 94-142
Annual Compliance Plan for Special Education

Policy adopted: June 26, 1990

Revised: December 07, 1999



Transfers and Withdrawals -- Withdrawals and Re-enrollments of Students with Disabilities

According to Board of Education Policy P5119.8, the St. Louis Public School District shall adhere to the following procedures whenever it becomes necessary to withdraw or re-enroll a student with a disability:

1. Withdrawing a student with a disability from a school’s rolls by school officials is, in effect, a change in educational placement. Procedural safeguards shall be observed by school officials in making such withdrawals except in the following situations:

a. A student’s parent/legal guardian has notified the building administrator that the family is relocating out of the district.
b. The principal has been notified by the parent/legal guardian or a representative of the juvenile court, the state's division of family services, the state's division of youth services or the state's department of mental health that one of such agencies has custody of the student and that the student has been placed in another residential or educational setting in another school district by that agency.
2. Procedures to be used in withdrawing a student with a disability shall be consistent with the following:

a. Before withdrawing the student, the principal shall send to the parent/legal guardian a "Notice of Intent to Withdraw." The notice shall include the reason for the proposed withdrawal.
b. The notice shall explain that the withdrawal will take place ten (10) calendar days from the parent's/legal guardian's receipt of the notice unless the parent/legal guardian contacts the school to object to the proposed withdrawal. Additionally, the notice shall list all procedural safeguards to which parents of students with a disability are entitled as required by state and federal laws.
c. The office of special education shall receive a copy of the "Notice of Intent to Withdraw".
d. If the parent/legal guardian does not contact the principal on or before the 10th day from receipt of the "Notice of Intent to Withdraw," the principal may withdraw the student.
e. The parent/legal guardian shall be notified in writing using the "Notification of Withdrawal" form that the student has been withdrawn. Copies of the form shall be forwarded to the appropriate administrative offices including the office of special education.
3. Re-enrollment of Students with Disabilities

A student with a disability previously withdrawn who attempts to re-enroll must not be placed in a special education program by school officials unless such placement is based on a current assignment notice from the office of special education. This is to ensure that:
a. the student's special education placement is based on a current individual education program (IEP);
b. the student is referred for a re-evaluation, if needed;
c. the office of special education can monitor all students with disabilities.
Therefore, all students with disabilities who apply for re-enrollment shall be referred to the office of special education for assignment to the appropriate special education program.


Legal: P.L. 94-142
P.L. 105-17 and Regulations
State Plan for Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Act, As Amended by Public Law 94-142
Annual Compliance Plan for Special Education

Regulation approved: June 26, 1990

Revised: December 07, 1999


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