

Transfers and Withdrawals -- Procedure for Educational
Placement of Students Under the Jurisdiction of the
Juvenile Court

Educational placement of students under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court is determined by action of the court. Such court-ordered placements supersede current placements made by the school district, including those of special education students. The office of special education for the board provides the following educational programs for students who are under the supervision of the juvenile court:

A. John W. Griscom School

Students apprehended by the police may be placed temporarily in the detention center pending a court hearing. A school program for these students is provided at the John W. Griscom School, which is located at the detention center.

Upon receipt of notification of a student entering the Griscom School on the appropriate form, the principal of the student's home school shall withdraw the student, record the name of Griscom School on the student's permanent record, and retain all records.

Upon receipt of notification of the discharge of the student from the Griscom School, the principal of the student's home school shall enter the attendance on the student's permanent record and re-admit the student. The principal of the home school shall notify the school social worker if the student does not appear for re-admission within five (5) school days.

Attendance reports shall be made by the principal of Griscom School. Days attended by students while in detention shall not be included in the attendance reports of the regular school.

B. Missouri Hills

Students may be assigned by the juvenile court to Missouri Hills. Upon receipt of notification from Missouri Hills that a student has been admitted, the principal of the student's home school shall withdraw the student and forward the student's records to Missouri Hills. Upon discharge of the student, the principal of Missouri Hills shall send the necessary release information to the office of special education. The office of special education will inform the associate superintendent for site support/instructional and leadership of the student's release.

The associate superintendent for site support/instructional and leadership shall reassign the student to a school on the appropriate form. If the student is a special education student, the executive director of special education shall make the assignment to the appropriate special education program.

Principals shall not re-admit students from Missouri Hills unless the principal receives official notification on the appropriate form.

C. Children's Study Home

The Board of Education provides an instructional program for the student assigned by the court to the Children's Study Home. Upon receipt of notification from the Children's Study Home that a student has been admitted, the principal of the student's home school shall withdraw the student and forward the appropriate records as requested.

Regulation approved: June 26, 1990

Revised: December 07, 1999

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