R5112. 1



Age of Attendance -- Age Requirements
A. Kindergarten

Children whose fifth birthday occurs on or before August 1 of their kindergarten entrance year may enroll in kindergarten. A child who will meet this deadline may also attend summer kindergarten in the summer immediately prior to the school term beginning in that calendar year, if offered.

B. First Grade

Children whose sixth birthday occurs on or before August 1 of their first grade entrance year may enroll in the first grade.

The classification and placement of 6-year-old children enrolling in a St. Louis Public School for the first time will be governed by the following:

1. Any child who applies for admission to the first grade in the public schools and who meets the above age criteria will be assigned to the first grade.

2. Any child who will be six (6) years old after August 1 will be assigned to the kindergarten program.

C. Verification of Age

Age shall be verified by an official birth certificate issued by the appropriate municipal or state office. Temporary admission may be granted for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days pending receipt of an official birth certificate. The school officials may assist the parent in acquiring the birth certificate. If the official birth certificate is not received within sixty (60) days, the child shall be excluded from school.

D. School Continuation

A student who has reached twenty-one (21) years of age shall not be permitted to attend high school gratuitously unless the student is in the final semester or the summer school session before graduation.

E. Review by the Superintendent

The superintendent may review an individual case in the event of extraordinary circumstances.

F. Age Determination for Accounting Purposes

The age of students called for in all records and reports is that of the last birthday preceding the date specified in the record or report. Ages, therefore, shall be recorded and reported in whole years unless otherwise directed.


Legal: Article IX, Section 1 Mo. Const;
Sections 160.054, 167.171 RSMo.

Regulation approved: June 26, 1990
Revised: March 11, 1997
Revised: December 07, 1999

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