

Admission -- Conditions Determining Legal Residence Within the City

Under the law and the interpretation thereof, the following shall be considered as resident children and enrolled without payment of tuition:

1. A child whose parents or legal guardians live within the city limits.

2. A child legally adopted by a resident.

3. A child whose parents are divorced and whose father or mother is a resident and has custody of the child, either legally or by mutual consent.

4. A child whose parents do not or cannot contribute to his/her support and who has been assigned in the city a temporary or permanent home. Verification of such condition shall be made by the school social worker.

5. A homeless student who, although not residing in the City, qualifies for enrollment under Regulation R6171.3.1.

6. Married students under the age of twenty-one (21) who live within the city. See Regulation R5112.1.

7. A student sixteen (16) or seventeen (17) years of age and emancipated by the parents may enroll in the school serving his/her area of residence. In all cases involving emancipated minors, referral shall be made to the social worker for verification of emancipation and residence.

8. A student who is eighteen (18) years of age and living independently of his/her parents may establish residence in a school district different from that of the parents. Verification of residence shall be made by the school social worker.

9. In emergency situations in which the parents are not legal residents of the city and, by mutual consent, it becomes necessary for the student to live with relatives who are legal residents, the student is to be admitted to the school serving the relatives' area of residence. Although the school social worker must verify that an emergency does exist, the student should be enrolled temporarily pending verification.


cf: Board Regulation R5112.1 Age Requirements

Legal: McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 2001, 42 U.S.C. §11432

Regulation approved: June 26, 1990

Revised: December 07, 1999

Revised: September 10, 2002

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