ST. LOUIS BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULATION Admission -- Conditions Determining Legal Residence Within the City Under the law and the interpretation thereof, the following shall be considered as resident children and enrolled without payment of tuition: 1. A child whose parents or legal guardians live within the city limits. 2. A child legally adopted by a resident. 3. A child whose parents are divorced and whose father or mother is a resident and has custody of the child, either legally or by mutual consent. 4. A child whose parents do not or cannot contribute to his/her support and who has been assigned in the city a temporary or permanent home. Verification of such condition shall be made by the school social worker. 5. A homeless student who, although not residing in the City, qualifies for enrollment under Regulation R6171.3.1. 6. Married students under the age of twenty-one (21) who live within the city. See Regulation R5112.1. 7. A student sixteen (16) or seventeen (17) years of age and emancipated by the parents may enroll in the school serving his/her area of residence. In all cases involving emancipated minors, referral shall be made to the social worker for verification of emancipation and residence. 8. A student who is eighteen (18) years of age and living independently of his/her parents may establish residence in a school district different from that of the parents. Verification of residence shall be made by the school social worker. References cf: Board Regulation R5112.1 Age Requirements Legal: McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 2001, 42 U.S.C. §11432 Regulation approved: June 26, 1990 Revised: December 07, 1999 Revised: September 10, 2002