Admission -- Who May Attend a St. Louis Public School

A resident student of legal age may be enrolled in a St. Louis Public School at any time during the school year and attend tuition-free. Non-resident students may be enrolled (1) pursuant to the terms of the Desegregation Settlement Agreement, or (2) if tuition is paid or waived in accordance with state statute. In addition, a homeless student may, upon termination of their residency within the District, continue his or her enrollment in accordance with Regulation R6171.3.1.

Students who reside in St. Louis County school districts and who qualify under the provisions for enrollment in the St. Louis Public School System, as defined by the Desegregation Settlement Agreement, will be assigned to enroll in specific schools by the Recruitment and Counseling Center in accordance with the Desegregation Settlement Agreement including the agreements among participating districts .

Non-resident students who do not qualify under the Desegregation Settlement Agreement shall be referred to the treasurer's office where it will be determined whether tuition will be paid or waived. The treasurer's office will notify the associate superintendent for site support/instructional and leadership that tuition has been paid or that tuition has been waived and the student will be enrolled. The associate superintendent for site support/instructional and leadership shall notify the principal of the authorization to enroll through the issuance of the appropriate form.

cf: Board Regulation R5112.1 Age Requirements
Board Policy and Regulation P5118.1 and R5118.1 Non-Residents – Tuition

Regulation approved: June 26, 1990

Revised: October 12, 1993

Revised: December 07, 1999

Revised: September 10, 2002

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