ST. LOUIS BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULATION COMPENSATION Guidelines Governing Travel for Official School Business, Conferences, Conventions, Etc. Whenever it becomes necessary for any board employee to travel outside of the metropolitan area in order to transact official business, the superintendent of schools may authorize the trip and may authorize the treasurer to advance transportation costs and estimated expenses for the trip, the same to be charged to the proper appropriation. APPLICATION - Before an employee travels outside of the metropolitan area to conduct official school business, he/she must complete and submit the Authorization for Travel and Expense form with required attachments, at least 15 days before the date of travel, to his/her immediate supervisor for review and approval. Upon initial approval, the Authorization for Travel and Expense Form should be submitted to the appropriate assistant or associate superintendent for approval and verification that sufficient funds are appropriated in the specified fund and account prior to submitting it to the superintendent of schools for final approval. Following receipt of the approval of the superintendent of schools, the form shall be forwarded to the human resource officer for processing. COVERED EXPENDITURES - When any employee of the Board of Education is authorized to travel outside of the metropolitan area on official business, he/she shall be allowed transportation costs, registration costs, the actual cost of lodging and a maximum per them as detailed in the Administrative Guidelines Governing Travel Expenses. The transportation allowance shall ordinarily cover the cost on common carrier to the designated location of the official business and the return to St. Louis. Travel time is to be included in the expense allowance and is to be computed from the time of departure until the time of return. The employee shall be required to maintain daily expense receipts to substantiate expenditures. Receipts covering actual expenses should be submitted. CLAIM TO BE FILED - Within a week after the trip an actual expense account report shall be completed by the employee and submitted along with receipts, paid invoices, and unused monies, etc. to substantiate all claims for reimbursement or to substantiate the use of advanced funds. Procedures and appropriate forms shall be contained in the Administrative Guidelines for Travel. EXPENSE FOR SPOUSE - When a spouse travels with a District employee who is on official business, separate billings must be obtained. CONTROLLER AUDIT - The controller will audit all expense account reports according to administrative procedures. Regulation approved: June 26, 1990 Revised: December 8, 1998