
The Board of Education shall adopt and implement a compensation program.

The Board of Education shall strive to provide a compensation plan that includes competitive salaries, salary incentives and employee benefits necessary to recruit and retain well-qualified employees who will deliver and support quality educational services.

Any compensation, service or benefit which is provided to members of one sex shall be provided to members of the other sex.

The district shall not make or enforce any policy or practice which, on the basis of sex:

1. Makes distinctions in rates of pay or other compensation;

2. Results in the payment of wages to employees of one sex at a rate less than that paid to employees of the opposite sex for equal work on jobs that require equal skill, effort and responsibility, and that are performed under similar working conditions.

In an effort to accomplish this mission, the board shall review, on an annual basis, the compensation plan recommended by the superintendent of schools.


Legal: Missouri School Improvement Program Standard 13.3

Policy adopted: June 26, 1990

Revised: May 25, 1993

Revised: September 8, 1998

Revised: December 8, 1998

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