



The St. Louis Board of Education recognizes that in order to effectively increase student achievement, improve student learning and prepare students to take their place as future citizens and workers, it is critical that all individuals employed by the St. Louis Public School District be committed to a common belief about professional development and be involved in a planned professional development process. The Board believes that professional growth is a continuous process of gathering and refining skills, of learning, new methods and procedures and of embracing collegial learning and problem solving.

The Board supports a comprehensive and coordinated District plan, Personal Professional Development Plans (PPDP), inclusion of professional development time during the school calendar and a system to ensure that the professional development -supports the District and school efforts to increase student achievement.

Instructional staff must be committed to District goals for student achievement, must be knowledgeable of the local, state and national standards within their discipline and must be prepared with the best practices for instructional methodologies. Their administrating/teaching/counseling must produce positive results. Assessment of professional development practices will be based on their demonstrated effectiveness in improving teaching, and student performance.

Non-instructional staff are supporting components of the school environment and, as such, have a key role to play in increasing student academic achievement. Their ability to keep abreast of current trends and perform their jobs in a positive, efficient and effective manner help to create


an environment of competence, learning and quality delivery of services. The school and the broader school community are enhanced.

Further, there will be a Professional Development Academy that provides a comprehensive, systemic and conceptually sound professional development process for all employees that is data-driven, creates increased student achievement and promotes self-sufficiency of schools and support units. This Academy will serve as a physical site for professional development, an incubator for new professional development initiatives, a clearing house for orchestrating training, instructional resource/media center and a vehicle for gathering evaluation data.

Policy Adopted: February 08, 2000




Professional Development

The Board of Education is committed to the continuous professional development of its staff. To ensure that the needs of professional development are identified the board shall organize a Professional Development Committee, elected by the staff, which coordinates and sets the direction for professional development activities.

The board shall also develop a written procedural plan for professional development. This plan will include goals, objectives, evaluation criteria, appropriate policies and procedures, mentoring provisions, and a description of the procedures used by the Professional Development Committee to ensure that planned activities are related to the district's Comprehensive School Improvement Plan.

The Professional Development Committee shall conduct an assessment of needs based upon faculty input student data and other appropriate information. The needs identified in these assessments are addressed and incorporated in the district's Comprehensive School Improvement Plan.

The board will ensure that the Professional Development Committee is allocated at least one percent of the district's current year basic formula apportionments and that the Committee has spent at least seventy-five percent of this allocation each year on activities related to the objectives of the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan. The board further commits additional funds beyond one percent of the Basic Formula apportionment for in-service training sessions.

Staff Development (continued) R4420

All staff are encouraged to continue their professional growth through seminars, workshops, school visitations, attendance at conferences, memberships in professional organizations, travel, community service, enrollment in college level courses, etc.


Legal: Missouri School Improvement Program Standards 12.1


Regulation approved: June 26, 1990

Revised: October 10, 1995

Revised: December 8, 1998

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