


The St. Louis Board of Education recognizes that self development is critical to the performance of every individual in the district, effectiveness of the work group in which each is involved, and the attainment of the district's goals. The board believes that professional growth for individual teachers is a continuous process of refining skills and keeping abreast of new developments in the field of education. Therefore, to the extent feasible and in accordance with state statutes, the board shall support efforts to enhance the competence and skills of all staff. A coordinated plan of continual professional development shall be designed, with attendance mandated for all certificated staff, and inclusive of a monitoring system to ensure that established proficiency levels are met and evidence of student achievement outcomes are realized. A plan shall be devised to incorporate professional development as part of the work day. All professional development activities inclusive of those requiring board authorized leave, shall be based on current and projected needs of the St. Louis Public School District.

Policy adopted: March 26, 1990

Revised: May 12, 1998

Revised: December 8, 1998

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