




Notice of Vacancies

When a vacancy occurs or is established in any department, if there are no qualified employees on involuntary leave of absence due to a reduction in force, the head of the department shall submit an employee requisition to the Division of Human Resources to fill the position when deemed warranted. The Division of Human Resources shall follow established procedures in identifying applications for the position.

The Division of Human Resources shall advertise the vacancy as appropriate and will screen all applicants for the announced vacancy and for qualified applicants conduct competitive oral and/or written examinations. Competitive examinations, whether written or oral, shall be administered in a format accessible to individuals with disabilities, when requested. Testing and/or interview questions will relate to the essential functions of the job applied for and will be in conformity with state and federal law regarding job testing.

The Division of Human Resources shall e-mail notice of position vacancies for posting at all building sites within the district and post the position vacancies on the school district’s website.

Notices of position vacancies shall be prepared in a format accessible to individuals with disabilities, when requested.

Position vacancies shall be open for a minimum of 5 days, excluding the date of announcement of vacancy.


Legal: The Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 12101, et seq. (Supp. 1991)

Regulation approved: June 26, 1990

Revised: October 10, 1995

Revised: December 8, 1998

Revised: August 6, 2003

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