
Vacancies - Noncertificated
Staff Promotions

The Division of Human Resources will post all vacancies for promotional positions available in the system.

Preference in filling vacancies shall be given to St. Louis public school employees when all qualifications and other related factors are considered equal.

All promotions of employees shall be made based upon length and character of service. As used in this regulation, the term:

1. "Length of Service" means the time elapsed since the first probationary appointment, except that when there is an interruption of service because of resignation or other termination, "length of service" means time elapsed since the latest probationary appointment.

2. "Character of Service," as it relates to the promotion of an employee to a position where there is an opening, means qualifications and past performance with the Board of Education. Qualifications are determined by interviews and tests. Past performance includes all evaluations and training courses and where applicable, tests, special skills, licenses, certificates and educational requirements attained before and during employment.

3. Applicants for promotion shall be granted an interview based on their written examination score. When a written examination is not required those applicants with the highest qualifications for the position shall be granted an interview.

Staff Promotions (continued) R4237.5

If the qualifications of two or more applicants are substantially equal, the assignment, transfer or promotion of the employee shall be made on the basis of systemwide seniority and in the event systemwide seniority is equal, then on the basis of total professional or skilled/training experience. If systemwide seniority and total professional or skilled/training experience are equal, then reference shall be given to the first applicant in accordance with the date and time the application was received in the personnel department. The application referred to herein shall mean the employee's most recent application for employment.

Regulation approved: June 26, 1990

Revised: December 8, 1998

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