No person shall be permitted to solicit subscriptions or to canvass for the sale of any articles in the school buildings, or on the school grounds, and no subscriptions shall be conducted in any public school. No collections or contributions shall be taken or tickets sold for any purpose not connected with the purposes of the schools and approved by the superintendent of schools.
cf: P1324 and R1324 Soliciting Funds from and by Students Policy adopted: June 26, 1990 Revised: February 9, 1999 R1314
COMMUNITY RELATIONS PUBLIC ACTIVITIES INVOLVING STAFF, STUDENTS OR SCHOOL FACILITIES Relations Between Public and School Personnel Soliciting Funds on School Premises Except as a part of the regular school program, principals shall not permit the solicitation for sale or the sale of any commercial article (such as T-shirts, sweatshirts, sweaters, candy, etc.) on school premises unless the activity is sponsored and conducted by the local parent, student, or staff organization of the school and has been approved in advance by the principal. Any sale of food must have prior approval of the food and nutrition services division to guarantee compliance with established health standards and to avoid reduced student participation in the nutritional food service program sponsored by the board. For the activity to be approved, the proceeds must be used for the benefit of a school program or activity. Principals should not approve such sales by an organization when they feel that the financial arrangement contemplated is unfair to either students or the organization. Administrators shall not permit the solicitation of individual board employees for the sale of commercial materials on school property. These materials include supplies, equipment, and any type of insurance policy. School officials who are responsible for the procuring of materials, equipment, and insurance policies may arrange for displays, demonstrations, and presentations by commercial firms as needed. Principals and other supervising administrators may also arrange for displays, demonstrations, and presentations to members of their staffs. In any of these instances, activities must conform to provisions of policies
and regulations which address conflicts of interest and the acceptance
of gifts.
cf: P1324 and R1324 Soliciting Funds from and by Students Regulation approved: June 26, 1990 Revised: February 9, 1999 |