



Media of Communication

There shall be an office of public information created to deliver and execute a broad program of effective dissemination of information. It shall maintain an effective relationship with citizens, parents, employees, students, and other educational and professional agencies.

The office of public information shall encourage and coordinate contacts with the news media representatives. The office shall also respond to inquiries by the media and shall annually submit to the media a report on its educational programs and services.
The office of public information shall encourage personnel of the St. Louis Public Schools to cooperate with the media to provide accurate information. Personnel contacted by the media regarding matters outside their area of responsibility should refer the inquiry to the responsible administrator or the office of public information.

The office of public information shall issue all news releases to the media. Copies of releases will be sent to those involved. Personnel wishing news coverage by the media should send the information to the office of public information for release.

The office of public information will also give notice according to state law of meetings scheduled by the Board of Education, answer questions from media representatives, and provide guidance and clarification for the media during board meetings.

Furthermore, the office of public information will produce a newsletter on a regular basis which will be distributed to the district employees and all parents of students.

All schools and divisions are encouraged to appoint a communications representative who will forward information about school activities and student and staff achievement to the office of public information. The public information staff, taking into consideration the needs of individuals with disabilities, will determine where the information should be placed for the greatest effectiveness and accessibility.


Legal: Missouri School Improvement Standard 13.5

Regulation approved: June 26, 1990

Revised: September 8, 1998

Revised: February 9, 1999

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