
St. Louis Public Schools ... Making Progress





Objectives/Goal Indicators for Student Learning

Students of the St. Louis Public Schools must demonstrate their level of mastery with respect to the goals and objectives as stated in the curriculum guides for all subjects. The assessment of student achievement in and mastery of a subject/content area will be used for diagnostic purposes as well as for promotional documentation. Adopted curriculum guides will contain specific objectives and evaluative specifications for those objectives in each course or subject. F61lowing are the paramount indicators by subject area for the stated overarching Goals (PO210).*

Language Arts

The student will acquire, refine and apply the skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking. The student will critically comprehend and appreciate literature.


The student will understand and apply the base ten number system.

The student will acquire, maintain and apply computational skills.

The student will understand and apply measurement, the concepts of fractions, ratio, proportion and percent and the elementary principles of probability and statistics.


The student will acquire and develop critical thinking and inquiry skills within the scientific method.

*Specific indicators appear in currently adopted curriculum guides.

The student will acquire science concepts, facts and values. The student will understand discrete bodies of scientific knowledge and extend the scientific method to solve increasingly complex problems.


Social Studies

The student will acquire the basic concepts of self, community, nation and world.

The student will synthesize main ideas, utilize problem solving techniques, apply rational decision-making strategies and predict changes and outcomes.

The student will understand concepts of U.S. and world geography, history, government and economics.

The student will understand concepts of sociology, psychology and technology.


The student will develop skills for creating a visual interpretation of an idea or impression.

The student will develop the skill of using past

experiences and visual awareness for critical aesthetic judgments.

The student will understand the demand for art in a variety of careers.

Business Education

The student will develop economic understanding needed for consumer competency, develop efficient work habits

and skills, develop personal and work-related budgeting skills, understand the general principles of credit and income growth.

The student will refine writing and recording skills in the development of business products.

The student will process information and analyze, classify and organize information for problem solving.

Career Education

The student will identify, clarify and demonstrate self-worth, self-confidence and self-understanding.

The student will understand the relationship of the basic skills learned in the classroom to successful career and lifetime pursuits.

The student will develop critical thinking, decision- making and goal setting skills, identify career and life styles that meet their needs, make educational choices based on those needs; and develop job seeking and job keeping behaviors.

Foreign Language

The student will gain understanding of languages other than English and cultures other than their own.

The student will recognize and analyze the historical influences, geographical impact and multi-cultural contributions related to various languages.

Home Economics

The student will manage materials and supplies, conserve energy and make well-informed consumer choices.

The student will develop personal and family budgets, plan housing expenditures, develop consumer protection skills, organize and control time, examine food production and food shortage issues and recognize the need to develop human resources.

Industrial Technology

The student will understand mass production processes and the concepts of industrial and technological systems through the development of a project/product.

The student will understand safe and appropriate use of tools, machines, materials, resources, processes and products.

The student will develop and apply skills in the areas of graphic communications, materials and processes, power and energy and manufacturing.


The student will develop understandings/connoisseurship of music of many cultures; recognize organization, form and style; and evaluate quality through participation in performance and non-performance groups.

The student will begin to achieve self-actualization through the opportunity to perform with the voice or musical instrument.

Physical Education

The student will develop leadership and socialization skills through working cooperatively with partners, small groups and teams to accomplish a task.

The student will gain more personal satisfaction and positive health benefits through a physically active life-style.

The student will develop realistic goals and coping ,behaviors including those associated with emergency situations.

The St. Louis Board of Education recognizes that students vary in their learning modalities and

developmental stages and therefore must receive, when appropriate, alternative instructional strategies to achieve in a satisfactory manner.


Policy adopted: February 28, 1989


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