




English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)/English Language Learner (ELL) Policy Regulations



Language Minority (LM) – Refers to a student whose linguistic background, such as country of birth or home environment, includes languages other than English. Language minority is based solely on the student’s language and not on proficiency.


Limited English Proficiency (LEP) – Proficiency in reading, writing, listening or speaking English that is below grade- and age-level peers. Limited English proficiency is based on the assessment of a student’s English language proficiency.


English Language Leaner (ELL) – Refers to an LM student with limited English proficiency.  LEP and ELL are interchangeable terms.  The use of ELL is preferred.


English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) – a program that uses only English as the instructional language for eligible students and enables such students to achieve English proficiency and academic mastery of subject matter content and higher order skills, including critical thinking, so as to meet appropriate grade promotion and graduation requirements.




Upon enrollment, all students will complete the Student Home Language survey questions on the District’s enrollment form. The building administrator has procedures in place to ensure that all new and currently enrolled students complete the Home Language Survey.  Building administrator is required to direct identified LM students to the ESOL Office for intake.


Any student who indicates the use of a language other than English at home will be assessed for English proficiency. The W-APT placement test is administered and scored upon enrollment or no later than 30 calendar days after the beginning of the school year or 10 school days, if a student enters a program during the school year.


Appropriate instructional model is recommended based on W-APT placement test scores and Student Academic Survey that provides information on ELL student’s previous educational experience.





The District uses following ESOL instructional models:


·         Newcomer Center: This program provides a safe and supportive context for students who are new to both school and the US

·         Content-based ESOL: This model makes use of instructional materials, learning tasks, and classroom techniques from academic content areas as the vehicle for developing language, content, cognitive and study skills. English is used as the medium of instruction.

·         Pull-out: This model suggests that students are pulled out of regular, mainstream classrooms for instruction in ESOL.

·         Co-teaching (team-teaching): This model suggests that two certified teachers (one general education teacher and one ESOL teacher) work together in the same classroom to provide instruction to students that addresses their English language development in content areas.

·         Sheltered instruction (sheltered English): This model makes academic instruction in English understandable to ELLs to help them acquire proficiency in English while at the same time achieving in content areas.




The District annually assesses the English proficiency of ELLs using WIDA ACCESS test, the state provided assessment instrument.  Students’ progress in learning English and becoming proficient in English is monitored in order to determine appropriate instructional models as well as their readiness to transition to mainstream course of instruction.




The decision to reclassify a student and transition from the ESOL/ELL program is made collaboratively between the ESOL specialist, classroom teacher and other school-based staff members. Students will be considered for transition when they score in the advanced range of the current statewide English language proficiency assessment and when they demonstrate at a minimum basic performance on state and district assessments.


After the transition process, ELLs will be monitored for a 2-year period. Upon the completion of monitoring procedures, ELLs exit the ESOL/ELL program.


Parental Involvement


The District provide ELL parents with notice of and information regarding the instructional program as required by law. Parental involvement of ELL parents will be encouraged and parents will be regularly apprised of their child’s progress.





The Board shall appoint a director for the ESOL/ELL Program to coordinator the ESOL/ELL program activities.  The Board requires the director to develop and insure implementation of language instruction programs as required by law. The ESOL/ELL Program director and advisory committee will complete program evaluation that will include the number of students served, the types of services provided, and ELL student assessments data. Based on the evaluation, the ESOL/ELL director and advisory committee will make recommendations for modifying and staffing the program to improve its effectiveness.







Adopted:  December 8, 2016