



English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)/English Language Learner (ELL) Program Policy



The Board of Education of the St. Louis Public Schools recognizes its responsibility to provide equal educational opportunities for all students in the District, including students who come from homes where a language other than English is spoken.


Students who are considered to have limited proficiency in English will be given the opportunity to enroll in the ESOL/ELL Program. 


The purpose of the ESOL/ELL program is to increase the English proficiency of English language learner (ELL) students so that they can reach academic success as measured by standards adopted by the Board.


The students' progress in achieving the goals and objectives of the ESOL/ELL Program will be measured annually.










Policy adopted: June 26, 1990


Revised:  December 07, 1999


Revised:  July 24, 2001


Revised: November 4, 2016


Revised:  December 8, 2016