




At its June business meeting each year, the board shall elect its officers -- president, vice president, and secretary -- from among its members. Nominations shall be made from the floor. No second is required, but one or more members may second a nomination to indicate endorsement. No one can nominate more than one person for a given office until every member wishing to nominate has had an opportunity to do so.

Voting for an officer will take place immediately after nominations for that office are closed. Paper ballots will be distributed, collected, and counted by the treasurer or designee. In order for a member to be elected to an office, a majority of the entire board is necessary. In the case of a tie, the balloting will be repeated until one nominee receives a majority vote. If only one member is nominated for an office, election may be by acclamation. The term of office is one year.

There is no prohibition from a current officer being elected to serve in an office again. When an officer has been duly elected, he or she will take office immediately. The newly elected president of the board will assume the chair and continue the meeting until adjournment.

If a vacancy occurs for any cause in any of the offices of the board, such vacancy shall be filled as soon as practicable by the election of a successor for the unexpired term.

Officers (Continued) B9120

The board may, by a five-sevenths vote of the entire board, at a regular business or special meeting, remove an officer of the board at any time during the officer's term in office.


Legal: Section 162.591 RSMo.

Bylaw adopted: July 10, 1990

Revised: February 9, 1999

Revised: February 22, 2000

Revised: October 10, 2006

Revised: April 12, 2007