

Cooperation with Other Governmental Units

In matters respecting the selection and acquisition of school sites and in the construction of school buildings and related structures or in additions thereto, the school district will work in the planning stages in cooperation with other county and municipal bodies such as planning and zoning commissions, the police, fire, health, and welfare departments and other relevant bodies.

The board, while exercising its sovereign powers delegated to it by statute for guarding the welfare of the schools, wishes to work with all other governmental and interested non-governmental bodies in locating and constructing school buildings so as to enhance the long-term welfare of the community in the best possible manner.

The board may seek the advice of legal agencies such as planning and zoning commissions, the regional commerce association, municipal counsel and any other local, county, intermediate, or national agency in planning for the acquisition of new school sites and the construction of or addition to school buildings and related structures.

The board will seek the advice of its attorney in all such matters as to the relative rights and powers of the school district versus those of other governmental agencies.

Policy adopted: July 24, 2001

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