
Emergencies -- Inclement Weather

In cases of extreme temperatures or weather conditions the superintendent, or designee will make a decision to: 1) hold school during normal hours, 2) close schools, or schools and offices, or 3) implement an "abbreviated school day." An "abbreviated school day" means that schools will open at a later hour and/or schools will be dismissed at an earlier hour.

Extreme icing, heavy snow, impassable streets, downed electrical wires, and major curtailment of transportation and telephone communication may be justifications for a decision to close schools or schools and administrative offices, or to go to an "abbreviated school day." This administrative decision will be based on weather reports, contacts with the city street department, the state highway department and the busing contractors, and information and observations from designated school district personnel.

Should it become necessary to close schools, or to go to an "abbreviated school day," the superintendent will notify the board and office of public affairs. Every effort will be made immediately to inform the general public through radio and television announcements. When schools are closed, administrative offices will remain open unless an announcement is made to the contrary.

To assist school personnel, a telephone network shall be established and maintained by each building administrator. The network shall be put in operation at any hour, on school days or weekends, based on the immediacy of personnels need to know.

Inclement Weather (continued) R6114.6

When habitation of a building becomes unsuitable due to extreme temperatures, the principal shall contact the office of the associate superintendent for site support/instructional and leadership to request authorization to dismiss the students and relocate staff or to move the students and staff to another site.

Regulation approved: June 26, 1990

Revised: December 07, 1999

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