Leaves of Absence
Bereavement Leave

Regulation #4620.8

A leave of absence with pay may, in the District’s sole discretion, be granted for all full-time employees consistent with the following stipulations when a death occurs in an employee’s family.

1.         Up to three (3) working days in any pattern, including and immediately following the day of death and/or date of funeral of a member of the immediate family.  Immediate family is defined as parent, spouse, or child, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of the employee.

2.         Up to two (2) working days in any pattern, including and immediately following the day of death and/or date of funeral of a half-brother or half-sister, nephew, niece, aunt, uncle, step-parent, parent-in-law, step-brother or step-sister, sister-in-law or brother-in-law, son-in-law or daughter-in-law.

3.         One (1) working day to be used immediately following the day of death or on the date of the funeral of a great-grandparent, aunt or uncle-in-law, grandparent-in-law, niece or nephew-in-law, great grandchild, grand nephew or niece, grand aunt or uncle, or first cousin.

4.         Upon return to work from leave for death of a relative, the employee shall immediately complete a bereavement leave form and provide the name of the relative, date of the funeral and relationship of the deceased to the employee.  Additionally, the employee may be required to supply appropriate documentation substantiating the basis for the bereavement leave.  This information must be provided to the immediate supervisor for processing to the Division of Human Resources within two (2) days of the date the employee returned to work.

5.         With the exception of leaves taken pursuant to Paragraph 1 above, no employee shall be entitled to more than a total of eight (8) working days per year as bereavement leave.  At its discretion, the District may allow the employee to use any other form of appropriate leave that is available to such employee. 


Regulation approved:  March 12, 2009